What is the Process?

  1. Work with Next Generation Steel to design a building to suit your needs.
  2. The design is sent to engineering for approval.
  3. Apply for a permit to build your building.
    • Permit regulations vary by County and State, start investigating the requirements in your area as soon as you have decided to add a building to your property.
  4. Make arrangements to have the building erected.
  5. Plans return from engineering with stamp, your representative orders your building.
  6. Building is delivered to your site.

How Long Does the Process Take?

  1. Engineering Package—7 to 10 working days.
  2. Permit approval—four to six weeks.
    • Check with your local building department for lead times in your area to get permit approval.
  3. Building Delivery–2 to 3 weeks upon payment completion.

Are There Other Things I Need to Think About?

  1. Snow loading, wind speed, exposure, soil density variances, etc.
  2. Aesthetics.
    • Windows
    • Trim
    • Siding Choices

What Clearances are Needed for the Door Selected?

  1. For overhead doors you need 18” additional height for door track and at least 3” on each side for the side door tracks.
    • What are you putting in the building? If your boat and trailer have a combined height of 10 feet, you need to plan on a building with 12 foot doors
  2. Consider a canister door to save space.